Well well well. Hasn't this changed! No longer is this page a playable mmosg client.
I completely changed how MMOSG is organized (same thing I did to platformer, actually) recently, and now you can play here.

Now the Strategy Game repository is actually strategy game, instead of strategy game + mmosg. The MMOSG server now has its own repository, as does the Old MMOSG UI (mostly defunct) and the New UI (Mostly replaced old ui).

You can play the old UI on this baby server here, but it probably doesn't work. The new UI is far preferable.

There are some other internal changes and things; for the whole shpeel on mmosg visit the mmosg forum post in the n-community server.
Richard (of n-gon community map fame) made a modded UI with nice visuals and some "hacks" here, it's definitely worth a look! (Although it probably won't have up-to-date bugfixes all the time.)