
Crabs: Your Spiky Space Friends

There is astrological reason to believe crabs are actually superintelligent spiky space friends from space!


Mercury is the first planet from our star, Sol! It is almost as small as Earth's moon. It is largely made of iron, and is pocked with craters.


Venus is the second planet from Sol. It is very hot - massive clouds of carbon dioxide (the same greenhouse gas fueling Earth's global warming) and sulfuric acid blanket the surface. Highs are in the low 450s celcius! The acid rain will burn and even melt your skin, so make sure to bring an umbrella.


Earth is the third planet from Sol and the only planet known to host life in our solar system! It's where spiky space friends live.


Mars is the fourth planet from Sol. It's very cold, despite the carbon dioxide atmosphere (which is some 100 times thinner than that of Earth), because it is very far from the sun.


Jupiter is the fifth planet from Sol. It is the largest planet in the solar system; more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined. Jupiter has 95 moons!


Saturn is the 6th planet from Sol. It is famous for its large and prevalent rings, which are mostly made of ice and dust.


Uranus is the 7th planet from Sol. It is mostly made of water, methane, and ammonia, and has a small rocky core. Uranus gets very hot towards the center.


Neptune is the final planet in the solar system. It is large and windy, and orbits every 165 years. It is not visible from Earth, as it is over 30 times further from the sun than our home planet.

(distances are not to scale)
The solar system is big. Really big. And the rest of space is even bigger.
You scrolled at an average of pixels per second down this page, or kilometers per hour through the solar system tour. At that speed, you would reach Beta Cancri (the primary star of the Cancer constellation) in years.

At the fastest I can scroll, the entire human species could evolve again in the time it takes to scroll to the Cancer constellation. Maybe we'll get there - but it won't be soon.

Web design by Tyler Clarke (weird_pusheen). Headings use the "My Earth Regular" font.

This is an entry into the Purpose42 art expo for July, themed around zodiac signs. It is not meant to be taken as a serious source of information. Crabs are not, in fact, superintelligent spiky space friends from space.

This is FOSS and protected by GNU GPLv3. You are free to use any element of it in your own projects, so long as they also are FOSS and provide credit to me.

All rights preserved. Trespassers will be violated.