Hello There

My name is Tyler Clarke. I'm a (largely self-taught) computer scientist living in the USA. I've known HTML and CSS since I was in middle school and took the Khan Academy course, and ever since that I've been making websites almost constantly.
I learned Linux before I learned web development, and I was running Ubuntu as my primary OS before high school. The first real-ish-sorta-kinda-thingy programming language I learned was TI-BASIC, messing around on my mother's TI-83 when I was around 7 years old. I'm a CS student at Kennesaw State. When I'm not studying for classes, I can usually be found writing software (like Sitix), playing 0 A.D. (a FOSS video game) or, most often, making websites!

I love making websites.
With websites, I can !

tell a beautiful story
share a great discovery
sell the next big thing

My love of web development has led me to learn how to build captivating, beautiful websites that "wow" customers. Interested in working with me? Check out me and my team at Clarke Information Systems! We also write backend code and mobile apps.
You can get fast quotes on our services with the handy automated pricing tool there; if you have a more complex problem, don't hesitate to email me or a member of the team.

Linux is a particularly important part of my life. I've been running Fedora on all my computers since 2022, and I switched to Kubuntu full-time in 2017; programming on Linux has taught me skills that apply In Real Life™ - the ability to build high performance software that could be deployed to datacenters, supercomputers, or even Mars. Everything you see here is Linux - the computer that edited this text was running Fedora, the server hosting it is running Debian (or Fedora Server, if I've upgraded by now, or Ubuntu if I shoved it off to EC2), and even the computer that edited the software that made this site possible was running Linux.

Firestorm Robotics
Between 2019 and 2023, I was a programmer on Firestorm Robotics (FRC #6341, now retired). I became lead programmer over the summer of 2021, when I programmed the Be Pro Be Proud tic-tac-toe machine. For our 2022 build season, I began building custom robot libraries, and that work carried over to 2023, when my code team (comprised of me and Luke) won an award for building custom high-performance swerve drive logic.

This site made by Tyler Clarke using the Sitix SSG. The font used is Lato by Łukasz Dziedzic. All graphics assets on this website are the sole intellectual property of Tyler Clarke, unless otherwise specified. All written material on this website is the sole intellectual property of Tyler Clarke.
Built with Sitix.